Manhattan Life Insurance Company, one of the oldest continuously operating companies in the world, was founded in 1850.
Combined, these four companies are licensed in all 50 states and Puerto Rico offering a wide range of life and health insurance products and fixed annuities through multiple distribution systems. Additionally, all four operating companies offer a range of reinsurance facilities. Since 1982, the companies have completed over 60 such reinsurance transactions. The companies maintain financial strength ratings of BBB+ by the Kroll Bond Rating Agency (KBRA).
Our Mission
The ManhattanLife companies are committed to providing reliable, innovative, and cost-effective products, whether it’s reinsurance facilities for the life and health insurance industries or life and health products for the general public.
We recognize the diverse needs of our clients and believe in meeting those needs with integrity and passion. We are continually developing our technology to improve our sales, underwriting, billing, and customer service processes in order to create excellent client experiences. Innovation, stability, and responsive service characterize the core of our business.
We hold ourselves to a high ethical standard, and our mission is to continue growing and serving our clients and the marketplace with quality service and products.